Tower of Rot
Brexx Darkpaw
- Named gnoll
- PH Info:
- a frenzied gnoll
- Click here for named location shown on zone map!
- Spells / abilities:
- Dark Disconcertion - Spin stun.
- Greater Siphon - Very large DD with Mana and Endurance drain.
- Howling Decay - Casts on everyone on the NPC's hate list, initially after 25 seconds then every 70 seconds. Spell and Melee slow, and increases melee damage taken. 75 Disease counters.
- Loot:
Captain Nathan Flock
- Named ghost
- PH Info:
- a cavalier of life
- Click here for named location shown on zone map!
- Spells / abilities:
- Greater Siphon - Large DD with Mana and Endurance drain.
- Noxious Perfume - Large DoT. 45 Poison counters.
- Spawns 3 adds every 90 seconds, and at 50% health. If the adds are not killed quickly they will cast an AE DD.
- Loot:
Commander Kurt Ellis
- Named ghost
- PH Info:
- a restless deceiver
- Click here for named location shown on zone map!
- Spells / abilities:
- Thunderous Persecution - Large DD with long stun.
- Telekaria - Large DD with stun.
- Favor of Marr - NPC buffs with this initially at 20 seconds, then every 60 seconds. Reduces incoming damage, and hits players with Stunning Retort if they cast a nuke, dot, or skill damage attack while the buff is active.
- Stunning Retort - Large DD with stun.
- Loot:
- Named sporali
- PH Info:
- a noxious deathcap
- Click here for named location shown on zone map!
- Spells / abilities:
- Leeching Decay - Casts on 3 non pet targets every 60 seconds. Large DoT with Mana and Endurance drain. Also heals the NPC for 2% health every 2 ticks that it remains uncured. 30 Curse counters.
- Noxious Perfume - Large DoT. 45 Poison counters.
- Fungal Infection - Large DoT. 45 Poison counters.
- Loot:
Garath Sulfada
- Named human
- PH Info:
- a hand of Sulfada
- Click here for named location shown on zone map!
- Spells / abilities:
- Tactical Deceit - Casts this once every 30-40 seconds. Reduces aggro generated.
- Dark Disconcertion - Spin stun.
- Frenzied Stabbing - Casts after being aggro'd for 30 seconds, and again every 70 seconds. Increases the NPC's damage by a great amount. Can be dispelled.
- Loot:
Guardian Roger Macholeth
- Named ghost
- PH Info:
- Macholeth's squire Sairia
- Click here for named location shown on zone map!
- Spells / abilities:
- Acrblade - Large DD, scales to players level.
- Loot:
Mad Martyr
- Named human
- PH Info:
- a scion of the tower
- Click here for named location shown on zone map!
- Spells / abilities:
- Fire Beam - Very large DD
- Telekaria - Large DD with stun.
- Bludgeoning - Frontal cone DD.
- Loot:
The Forgotten Sapper
- Named skeleton
- PH Info:
- a furious miner
- Click here for named location shown on zone map!
- Spells / abilities:
- Tactical Deceit - Casts this once every 30-40 seconds. Reduces aggro generated.
- Dark Disconcertion - Spin stun.
- Wild Pickaxe Swing - Initially cast 15 seconds after aggro'd, and again every 45 seconds. Large DD on NPC's hatelist.
- Loot:
The Lost Devourer
- Named devourer
- PH Info:
- a bloated devourer
- Click here for named location shown on zone map!
- Spells / abilities:
- Greater Siphon - Very large DD with Mana and Endurance drain.
- Devour - Summons a player to him, and casts this on them. DoT, can only be cured by moving 50 units away. If it's not cured, Devoured is cast.
- Devoured - Very large DD, Mana drain, and Endurance drain. Also removes 9 beneficial spells.
- Loot:
Vicar Lucilia Belyea
- Named zombie
- PH Info:
- a vicar of life
- Click here for named location shown on zone map!
- Spells / abilities:
- Mark of Nife - Causes you to take damage when you attack, and heals attackers. 50 Curse counters.
- Telekaria - Large DD with stun.
- Divine Avatar - NPC buffs itself with this initially at 30 seconds, then again every 70 seconds. Large Damage Shield and greatly increases the NPC's damage. Casting 2 Reverse Damage Shields on the NPC will break this buff.
- Loot: