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The Plane of War

Overview -=- Named Spawn Overview -=- Named All Info

The Plane of War Quests are ALL Old style quests, they will not appear in your Task Window, so you will have to make sure you remember where you leave off.

The Plane of War requires you to complete quests in order to progress through it on every toon. When you first zone in you are only allowed to access the Field of Blood portion of the zone. There are no gimp-ins to the Keyed areas, if you go into them while you are not Keyed, you will be Death Touched within 10 seconds or so.

Flagging for the Field of Strife and The Mines of Narikor:
Upon completion of Tithes of War, you are allowed access to the Field of Strife and The Mines of Narikor, this will allow you to start taking on Named in the zone that drop loot.

Flagging for the Castles:
In the Field of Strife you must complete Those Who Fight, you must complete this quest 2 times per toon to flag for both castles, each Castle contains 3 Named.

You must then complete both Castles Quests to unlock the final Southern Tower area of the zone, which contains 1 Named.

Castle Rulnavis: Castle Rulnavis Quest 1, Castle Rulnavis Quest 2, Castle Rulnavis Quest 3

Castle Tamrel: Castle Tamrel Quest 1, Castle Tamrel Quest 2, Castle Tamrel Quest 3

There are also quests in The Mines of Narikor (these may or may not have to be completed as part of the Castle Quests, doing them out of order may make you have to re-do them): The Mines of Narikor Quest 1, The Mines of Narikor Quest 2

Flagging for Southern Tower:
Upon completion of all of these quests, you will have full access to the zone and you can then be able to fight all 11 Named.

You will also need to faction while doing the Quests. Kill Rulnavian and Hendin mobs for Castle Tamrel Faction. Kill Tamrel and Gendin mobs for Castle Rulnavis Faction. Tamrel mobs drop Vallon insignias, you may turn these in to Captain Dulkot in Castle Rulnavis for Faction. The turn in for Castle Tamrel is Tallon Soldier Insignia's to Sergeant Rekkles, which drop from Tamrel mobs, and Tallon Captain Insignias to First Lieutenant Ess Pekky.

Each kill is worth +1 Faction, each turn in is worth +10 Faction. You start at Threateningly which is roughly -800 and to complete the final quest in each you will need Ally which is roughly +1200. Turning in Faction items will tell you your current standing.

Re: The Plane of War Quests Overview By: william On: December 31, 2020, 03:42:43 PM

step by step

get entry to the field of strife

get access to each side of the castle A.

Raise faction


Now you are flagged to start doing the quest
Castle Rulnavis Quests: #1 - Defending the Castle | #2 - A Colossal Task | #3 - Tactical Strike
Castle Tramrel Quests: #1 - The Tamriel Trials | #2 - A New Colonel In Town | Edmuund's Plight
Quests in the Mines: Katka's Cause | Deserving of Battle

Access to the Grandmaster tower


Re: The Plane of War Quests Overview By: Sskat On: June 14, 2015, 08:05:58 PM

 ;D duh I can't seem to find it on POT........

Re: The Plane of War Quests Overview By: Riou On: June 08, 2015, 08:35:49 PM

Quote from: Sskat on June 08, 2015, 08:16:00 PM
Question(s) 1) How do you get into the POW in the first place? Do I need to do the Tribute quest before I can zone in and if so, where and how do I zone in after I finish the quest? 2) What happened to the fire tree in So Ro to zone into Argin Hiz? How do you get in there now? 3) How do you get into the Tower of Rot? I have spent hours trying to find out, trying to get in and it is driving me crazy. Thank you for any help. :o

1) PoWar stone is in PoTranq, you just click it to get to zone in, the quests just allow you further access in the zone.
2) Unless its broken it should still be there
3) It should be the door at the end of the path that the ladder brings you to in the base The Dead Hills zone, it's possible its broken if can't zone in

Re: The Plane of War Quests Overview By: Sskat On: June 08, 2015, 08:16:00 PM

Question(s) 1) How do you get into the POW in the first place? Do I need to do the Tribute quest before I can zone in and if so, where and how do I zone in after I finish the quest? 2) What happened to the fire tree in So Ro to zone into Argin Hiz? How do you get in there now? 3) How do you get into the Tower of Rot? I have spent hours trying to find out, trying to get in and it is driving me crazy. Thank you for any help. :o

Re: The Plane of War Quests Overview By: chantrae On: April 15, 2014, 09:31:31 PM

Thank you for the information, its appreciated! :)

The Plane of War Quests Overview By: Riou On: April 02, 2014, 07:32:22 AM

Questions? Comments? Post them here! Original page -

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